Monday, February 4, 2008

~Expecting Miracle??~

Sigh....looks like, what I've promised myself didn't really put in my mind...Remember from some previous post, I denoted that I'm gonna stop fooling around, and start fighting for an excellence results for my exam..However, since today when i got back my Maths T exam paper, I really really feel like bursting into tears...Yes, your're right...Another RED again...It is so dissapointed to have this kind of sucks result, whenever I tought that I'm not going to fail for that...Maybe anything in this tiny world shouldn't be filled with " I thought", this phrase...What do you mean by you thought??...Did you think that you thought you're going to be Prime Minister in the future, then you're gonna 100% got that in the future..Times become harder especially when many of my friends got passed and most of them got at least 50% for their marks in that exam...How bout me??You've got a RED!!!...Even the one that always sleeps inside the class, and didn't listen to teachers lesson also got higher marks than me...The one that "I've thought", again that will never gonna make it, oso got higher marks than me...I'm actually not here to insults him or teasing him or what..In fact, he might looks lazy in the class, but at home, maybe he did work very very hard for that exam..But me...What've I been doing that time..Onlining, sleeping, watching TV, and just enjoying my life..Right...Since you've not been working hard for that, how can you expect a miracle is going to happen to you??...And this is all my fault..God doesn't helps a person who is lazy to be successful..Now, I'm really wondering that, am I still suitable for form 6 anymore...From many of my old secondary school friends, they might tought that, I'm a genius or very good in studying..But, since I've stepped into form 6, I can deeply understand that how stupid and idiot I am comparing with my classmates..Mostly are like choppy, GK, they all...No matter how hard i struggle for a good results, I still cant beat them...That's why I'm saying that, I'm actually nothing compared with them..I'm nothing....Nothing means to me anymore..